2011. augusztus 22., hétfő

☆ Dir en Grey concert & Nippon Groove ☆

hi everyone~ !
Wednesday was Dir en Grey concert! :3
nem mentünk, de kinéztünk az emberekhez~ X3
egész nap csövültünk, du. pedig kijött Chiyo is, és elhozta a barna póthajat NG-re X3
de inkább pár kép~

with Lilla :3

found me, i have a big smiling pony face xddd

... & Friday was the next Nippon Groove! \*o*/

I'm go with Chibi again, and with Chizu~


now we don't dranked much, cuz earlier we i'm dranked tooooo much >o<
anyway some vietnamese handsome cutie invite us to tequila :')

i danced with the most handsome ohh~ he danced well, but they want to go to bedbeach, and invited us, but i know any things about that place... it's not for me. I'm not an easy bitch. :D
the place was too hot T________T konkrétan facsartam az izzadtságot a frufrumból, mert megint nem ment a légkondi... and then Mia, Enshu, Orsusz, Dia and Nori came too!~ 
i love u party bitchez
... and i'm also afraid from the party pictures.... OMG XDDD

but it was fun, and chilling and talking so much cuz the hot weather in the dancefloor :3

2 megjegyzés:

  1. How was Dir en grey?
    Party sounded like a lot of fun! <3

  2. Yes, it was so-so-so~ fun! i liked it! \^o^/ and also laughed so much at the asian boys xDD
